The Lost Boys to bring It’s A Wonderful Life (Live) to Festive Derby this Christmas

Fri 28 Apr 2023
It’s a must-watch Christmas film for many, and this year an inspirational and heart-warming festive classic will get The Lost Boys treatment. The show at Derby Museum and Art Gallery on the Wardwick will be part of Derby LIVE’s Festive Derby programme this December.
Join The Lost Boys as they attempt to produce a live audio-play recording of the Christmas favourite, It’s A Wonderful Life, whilst exploring how the movie journeyed from Hollywood failure to feel-good, festive film success in this new theatrical adaptation.
Based on the original screenplay by Frank Capra and the source material The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren, it follows George Bailey, a man who has given up his dreams in order to help others.
When he reaches crisis point on Christmas Eve, the intervention of his guardian Angel Clarence Odbody, shows him all the lives he has touched and what the world would be like if he did not exist.

Starring the live studio audience, a small cast, a few microphones, and an array of objects for live sound effects, expect a tickling of the funny bones and a tugging of the heartstrings in this new Christmas production.
The Lost Boys are a Derby-based theatre, events and production company who create unique and interactive performance experiences for all types of audience. They announce their Festive Derby show while fresh from performing in the city centre as part of Derby’s St George's Day celebrations.
They are already well known and loved by audiences, having performed in countless shows across the country, including at the Edinburgh Fringe. Their Christmas shows at The Old Bell Hotel are legendary and their sell-out performances of A Christmas Carol during Festive Derby 2022 and Panto Impossible in 2021 were hugely popular.

It’s A Wonderful Life (Live) is the latest exciting addition to the line-up for Festive Derby 2023. It has already been announced that the Cathedral Quarter Ice Rink will return to the Market Place in December, while the Babbling Vagabonds are back with their production of Naughty Meg and the Christmas Elves at Derby Museum and Art Gallery.
Over at Derby Arena, the award-winning panto team will return with 2023’s egg-cellent panto, Mother Goose.
It’s A Wonderful Life (Live) will be at Derby Museum and Art Gallery on The Wardwick on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 December, with performances at 6pm and 8pm. Tickets are priced at £14 or £8 for under 16s. The show is rated 12+.
Tickets are available online and at the Sales & Information Centre, Guildhall Theatre, Market Place, Derby, DE1 3AE, or by telephone on 01332 255800.