Essential Companion Scheme

Free tickets for those who need someone with them to assist with mobility or guidance.
We want to make sure everyone can participate and enjoy Derby LIVE events equally. Through our Essential Companion Scheme we provide free tickets to those who need someone to be with them in order to come to an event. We work with Nimbus Disability who administer the scheme on behalf of Derby LIVE via their Access Card scheme.
The Essential Companion should make the following commitment:
- to familiarise themselves with Derby LIVE venues and the location of services and facilities contained within them
- to be available at all times to assist the customer during their visit
- to speak to Derby LIVE staff if the customer has complex needs and to receive advice about means of escape issues
In order to receive a free companion ticket for Derby LIVE events and selected events, we require a valid Nimbus Access Card number that has the plus 1 or plus 2 symbol, or you will need to register on the Derby LIVE access register.
How to apply for the Derby LIVE Access register
If you don’t have a Nimbus Access card you can register online for the Derby LIVE access register.
The Derby LIVE access register covers any Derby LIVE event and selected events. The registration lasts for 3 years.
The application is administered by Nimbus, if you have any queries or problems completing your application form on 0330 808 5108.
Link your existing Access card to your account
The Nimbus Access card covers multiple venues.
If you already have a Nimbus Access card you can link your Access card straight to your Derby LIVE account.
How to book on behalf of someone
Login into your account using the login box below.
If you have been linked to an account you will then be asked to choose who you are booking on behalf for.
- If no names appear please contact the box office on 01332 255800 option 1 to have your account linked to the customer that requires an Essential Companion.
Select the name of the person who requires an Essential Companion that you are booking on behalf of.
Once selected proceed with your booking as normal by visiting the what's on page and choosing the event like you normally would, the essential companion discount will then apply at the basket screen.
If you have any queries about the accessibility of our venues please contact us:
Telephone 01332 255800
Type-Talk 18001 01332 255800
SMS: 07812 300 373
Terms and Conditions
Applications can take up to 4 weeks to process. No refunds can be made for tickets bought before this application has been approved. We cannot hold tickets for you whilst you are waiting for an application to be approved. Additional information may be required to consider your application.
You will need to reapply every 3 years.
Access Card is provided by Nimbus Disability on behalf of Derby LIVE.
The decision to approve an Access Card application is determined by Nimbus Disability and not Derby LIVE. We cannot influence the decision making process and standby the outcome of each application.
Organisation companion tickets
If you are an organisation that is requires a companion tickets in order to bring clients to a show please contact and we will send you an application form to complete.
How to book
Once your application has been approved you will be able to book tickets online or through our Box Office, over the phone or in person.
Where Essential Companion tickets are available for the event you are booking for, and a +1 or +2 symbol is displayed on your card or the scheme register, the equivalent number of Essential Companions will be discounted.