Child safety information
We realise health and safety is a major factor in arranging your school visit. We hope this information provides some useful guidance and some reassurances about the service you can expect from us.
Supervision, responsibilities and ratios
'The Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits' published by The Department for Education recommends the following appropriate ratios of staff/guardians' and their assistants for school visits:
- 1 adult per 6 pupils in years 1-3 (approx age 5-7)
- 1 adult per 10-15 pupils in years 4-6 (approx age 7-11)
- 1 adult per 15-20 pupils in year 7 upwards (approx age 11-18)
In respect of this we offer one free teacher/supervisor ticket for every 10 pupils booked.
Please remember that Derby Arena is a public space. Our staff are trained to deal with children in emergencies but are not responsible for your children during the visit. Please stay with your children at all times, including during any intervals and toilet breaks.
Lost children should contact an easily identifiable member of staff. Our Front of House staff all wear uniforms with logos and name badges.
In the event of an emergency evacuation, please follow staff instructions carefully. You will be directed to the nearest fire exit and to ensure your safety and that of others, please do not attempt to collect belongings or look for anyone else on your way out. Venue staff will check all areas before leaving the building. Please move away from the building as directed by the emergency services or Derby LIVE staff.
Accidents and illness — first aid cover
Several of our Front of House staff, including all Duty Managers are qualified first aiders.
Any incident/illness should be reported to a member of staff, located in the auditorium and in the foyers. A first aider will be called immediately to assess whether treatment can be given or whether an ambulance needs to be called.
Wherever possible the child will be moved to the first aid room or a quieter area of the building. A teacher or other designated guardian should accompany the child at all times.
Risk assessment
Risk assessments of our premises and activities are carried out on a regular basis and action plans put in place to address specifically identified hazards and the means of eliminating or minimising them. For our general risk assessment for school visits see our risk assessment page.
Contact us
For any further help or advice about the health and safety aspects your visit contact our operations team on 01332 255433.